Media Training Center and Rocky Mountain Rigging
Open Enrollment for Stagehand Course
Want to have an amazing summer job that pays well and is flexible?! Montana has become a hub for incredible
concerts, music festivals, and live events. We are a pass-through from Minneapolis to Seattle and so BIG
musicians/bands are performing more and more in Montana. The need for crew of these events has exploded and
you can become a part of this industry.
Media Training Center and Rocky Mountain Rigging announced today their Introduction to Stagehands Course.
Taking this course will introduce you to the topics and equipment that you will encounter as a stagehand. It will allow
you to elevate your position and potentially move on to more specialized roles within the concert and entertainment
industry. Stagehand work is a great way to understand all of the disciplines within the entertainment industry and will
carry onto every aspect of your professional life. Whether you want to be a sound engineer, lighting designer, rigger,
or just want to meet great people and be a part of something bigger than yourself this is the class for you.
“Rocky Mountain Rigging started in Missoula with two rock climbers in 2003. And has been growing every year since.
We average 150-200 shows/year and hire all the crew. This stadium run in August is unprecedented. And if it goes off
without a hitch (which I think it will) there will be much more on the horizon. I can’t wait to share my experience with
you and get you on track for a great career and even greater future.” -Jennifer Lovely-Yarbrough
Rocky Mountain Rigging Hiring Manager
This 12-module course will be available online on June 10th and we are teaching an in-person course in Missoula on
June 21st at Dennison Theater from 12-5 pm. The course will take 5 hours and will lead to job opportunities. All
graduates who get hired will get $21/hour pay. All graduates will be in the Montana live music crew database for
productions to hire.
Join us to gain the pathway into the music crew industry!
The Course is normally $300 but we are discounting it for $150 for the first 100 people to register. Register at:
Or via Submittable:
Online Available June 10th (self-paced):
In-Person, June 21st from 12-5pm:
Contact Lynn-Wood Fields for questions: