Stay up to date on all things Billings and Big Sky Economic Development related with “Building Remarkable” on Community7 Television. Click an episode below to watch now!
Small Business Saturday with guests Kris Carpenter and Mariah Carpenter, hosted by Kayla Vokral.
Billings Depot with guest Lee Humphrey, hosted by Patrick Klugman.
SD2 Career Readiness Initiative with guest Bo Bruinsma, hosted by Patrick Klugman.
2021 Annual Meeting with guests Ann Kosempa and Paul Neutgens, hosted by Steve Arveschoug.
Forest Management with guest Jeff Hermanns, hosted by Austin Trunkle.
Edge of the Plains Trailer with guest Kevin Scharfe, hosted by Kayla Vokral.
MontanaFair 2021 & MetraPark Redevelopment with guest Tim Goodridge, hosted by Allison Corbyn.
Edge of the Plains Documentary with guest Veronnaka Evenson, hosted by Kayla Vokral.
Updates On All Things BSED with guests Karli Baker and Marcell Bruski, hosted by Melanie Schwarz.