How long have you been with your current organization?
I have worked for First Interstate Bank for a total of just over 16 years.
What is something you are excited to be working on?
At work, my team and I are committed to an unparalleled client experience. It feels great to take something very good and build it into something exceptional!
What influenced you to join the BSED Board of Directors?
I wanted to serve our community at a high level.
What excites you most about being part of BSED, AND how will you contribute to it?
I am most excited about the group of high-caliber people involved in BSED on both the board and staff. As the EDC chair this year, I intend to help our organization focus even more relentlessly on our highest priorities.
What would you like Billings to accomplish in the next 5 years?
I would like Billings to be widely recognized as the pre-eminent Montana community. This would include obvious and abundant opportunity for individuals and businesses to thrive and would be accompanied by a consistent influx of population, talent, and capital.