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The Business Health Care Summit brought together health, business and community leaders for a day of discussion on the state of the industry in Billings and where it is headed… more 2020 Business Healthcare Summit Recap
Wednesday, February 26th, Ten at the Northern Hotel on-boarded a culinary apprentice! This wonderful program was designed in conjunction with the Billings Career Center to provide an opportunity for immersive… more First Culinary Apprentice at TEN at The Northern Hotel
RFP for MetraPark Beautification Project
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Big Sky Economic Development assisted four businesses through the State Big Sky Trust Fund grant programs this past quarter. These programs are focused on job creation and feasibility analysis. In… more Four MT Businesses Awarded the State Big Sky Trust Fund Grant
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Looking to work on your business not just in it? The Entrepreneur Academy is an opportunity to take up to 12 business courses to help you hone and fine tune… more Entrepreneur Academy
This week, Allison Corbyn, Director of Business Recruitment and Lorene Hintz, Senior Business Advisor, traveled to Sidney to meet with two business that are planning to expand their Montana presence.… more BSED working with Eastern Montana companies looking to expand their MT presence
Since August 1st 2019 MT PTAC clients (all 7 locations statewide) have been successful in winning $93.6 million in federal, state, local and subcontract awards. Of that, clients served by… more Businesses assisted by MT PTAC have been successful in winning $93.6 million in federal, state, local and subcontract awards since August 2019