By: Patrick Klugman | Senior Project Manager, Community Development
Currently listed as an undeveloped natural area, Coulson Park is a 50+ acre park, sitting adjacent to the Yellowstone River and across the Southern rim-rocks of infamous Sacrifice Cliff; it also serves as an entry way to Billings by way of Interstate 90 and overlooked by the Yellowstone Bridge. On March 23, 2020, City Council approved the master plan unanimously 11-0 and paved the way to begin design and development conversations of this diamond in the rough!
This is a wonderful project your Community Development Team is co-leading and partnering with the Billings Parks and Recreation Department. I am privileged to be a part of the conversation and get so excited to talk about the development of Coulson Park because of the endless opportunities. Billings residents have long asked for better connection and capitalization on the unique and natural asset that is the Yellowstone River. In addition, Billings could certainly enhance its city entryways. Coulson Park, outside of the great land recreation opportunities, provides incredible opportunities for aquatic recreation and aesthetic enhancement to residents and non-residents alike. Over 28,000 vehicles a day drive across the Yellowstone Bridge on Interstate 90 and see Coulson Park. Development would allow travelers, resident and non-residents, to see development and attract regionally and increase the quality of life locally.
Funding is always on the forefront of the conversation, right!? Coulson Park has a unique opportunity as your Community Development Team received a $250,000 challenge grant towards development and implementation of the master plan. That’s dollar-for-dollar match to implement $500,000 towards development of the Park! We currently are working to secure that $250k and want to be able see dirt moved in 2021! Coulson Park envisions a healthy, vibrant riverfront experience as a multi-dimensional/multi-destination park for generations of community members to come. I am excited to give you this description and why I am so excited for the development of Coulson Park, please do connect with me if you want to hear more.
Learn More about Coulson Park here: https: